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Thursday, 22 August 2013

Five Minute Countdown to Freedom from Shame


I know this may come as a terrible shock to some of you, but really, truly, honestly ......   it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of you. Cross my heart and hope to die. The only person whose opinion matters about what you say or do is   ...  go on, guess. You've got it - it's you! If you are comfortable with it, whatever it is, then that's good enough. If your partner, mother, 'them' don't like it. that's just tough. You can certainly take their opinion under consideration - and then make your own decision. This is your responsibility: to stand in your own truth even if someone disagrees with you. If they disagree with you in a way that seeks to put you down, or to feel ashamed, don't accept that invitation. Just because someone throws you a ball doesn't mean you have to catch it.
It's a waste of mental and emotional energy to keep replaying the old story over and over. If you
made a mistake, or did something you wish you hadn't, just let it go, it's done. If you need to, make amends in some way - apologise or explain, and then let it go. If you keep replaying the whole thing on a loop inside your head, use this technique for stopping obsessive thoughts: every time the thought comes, and you start to feel the familiar bad feelings say to yourself (aloud is best, though maybe not for every occasion!) "Stop! Cancel! Clear! Get the shame out of here!" (With nods to Andy Dooley for this formula) and think about something uplifting instead. Do this every time, and the thoughts will soon begin to extinguish themselves. Deprive them of oxygen (ie your attention) and they cannot burn.

Accept that everything happens for a purpose and is here to teach us something. Nothing happens in a vacuum, and we are all here to learn the lessons of this lifetime. Put your error, misdemeanour, sin or faux pas into this context and it becomes much easier to get some sense of perspective. Another good way to do this is to imagine you in your house, in your street, in your town, in your country, in your continent, in your planet. in your solar system, in your galaxy and then ask yourself how significant your previously unforgiveable error is. And speaking of forgiveness......

Forgive yourself. To err is human, to forgive divine, Who said that? Alexander Pope (just looked it
up). Whatever, he was right, except that he may not have accepted that we are all divine and all have the capacity, and even duty, to forgive ourselves. Everybody screws up - it's a fact of life. Get over it, and get over yourself.

Hold on to your hats for number one. There are no rules anyway. Okay, I'll say it again. There are no rules anyway.

Gabriel says:

To live with these things is to deny your divinity, beloved ones. To live with these things is to believe that you can be harmed by others’ opinions or words, that there are rules by which you must live, when really they are only fabrications of long ago, resistant to change and growth. They are designed to keep you in your place, to keep you small and unseen and to control you.
To be truly free is to live an authentic life, trusting your own inner knowing, acknowledging the beliefs of others without subsuming yourself to them. Be bold, dear hearts, be bold.
So there is your challenge - be bold, release the shame and live in freedom. Easy!
But if you'd like some help;
Read the book!   How to be a Wild Woman
Visit the website!
Follow me on Facebook!
You can do it, beloved, you can do it!


