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Saturday, 1 June 2013

When Someone Hurts You - 5 Steps to Recovery

It is so painful when somebody you have loved, trusted or helped as best you can, turns and rejects everything you have done. Especially when this is accompanied by abuse, criticism and the apparent desire on the part of the other person to inflict maximum damage.I know exactly how you feel, because I have been in that position of hurt many times. I usually go into victim mode, disbelief at first, then crying that I did my best, feeling useless but at the same time unvalued and that everybody hates me. Sometimes, I then move into persecutor mode and call my enemy some pretty choice names and think of how I can be avenged. I rarely go through with this, though – my preferred tactic is withdrawal, obsessive thinking and lots of chocolate. Others of you may act out in some way – raging, smashing plates and so on.

 Needless to say, none of these responses are very healthy, although you may gain some short-term relief.

 One of the difficult lessons of the spiritual path is that we are responsible for everything that happens to us. Everything. No exceptions.

 So the only possible response is to look within and identify what we did to bring this event about, and what lesson we are trying to teach ourselves through it.

 Yes, I know. We didn’t ask to be hurt, or have everything thrown back in our faces, did we? Who would choose that?

 And yet we do.

 I see it as a battle going on in our heads. On one side we have ‘the forces of light’ – our divine self, our purpose and the spiritual team that surrounds us and helps us – and on the other, our ego, whose job is to keep us safe and help us survive in a world that it thinks is cruel, difficult and frightening. Our ego will do anything to ‘prove’ that the decisions we made as children adapting to the demands and expectations of our families and society were correct and essential to our survival, even when it seems completely mad to deliberately create unpleasant happenings. Together with these two forces we have the Universe’s Law of Attraction – thoughts become things, that which we think (even subconsciously) most about will be drawn to us.

 So if we believe that people are ungrateful and traitorous, we will attract those people into our life. If we believe that we are rubbish, then we will make the mistakes that demonstrate that. If we believe that we are fundamentally unloveable, then we will draw in the people who will abuse and/or abandon us.

 So here is a 5 step plan when you are feeling hurt and betrayed by those around you.


    1. Forgive the person who hurt you and send loving and forgiving thoughts their way. Holding on to resentment only hurts you – the other person doesn’t care! Remember – ‘holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die’ (Buddha).
    2.  Look within to see what beliefs about yourself are being confirmed by this situation. Then change the beliefs through affirmations such as ‘I am loveable’, ‘I deserve to be treated well’, ‘I am a perfectly divine woman’ and so on. Consciously decide to turn bad thoughts into positive, loving ones – you may need to keep practising this for a while! If you need to work on loving yourself, do the work; I promise you that it will be worth it.
    3. Remember that nobody has the power to make you feel anything. They can have a damn good try, of course, but ultimately you have to make the decision to allow it. Choose not to.
    4. Ask deep questions about what the Universe is trying to tell you through this situation. It may be that you have to let go of some beliefs about yourself as I’ve said above, or let go of a person, change some unhealthy habits (like putting everyone else first) or even reconsider your career, or find your life purpose or path.
    5. Do not take what the other person has said personally. Oh, I know it can feel very personal, but it really isn’t. The harsh words/ betrayal have come from a dark place in that other person and are simply a projection of the bad stuff they’re feeling, on to you. Imagine a sheet of glass between you and the other – you can still see and hear each other, but the crap just slides harmlessly down the glass and never reaches your soul.

 I hope this has helped. Know that you are enough just as you are, and the only thing that can truly hurt you is yourself. Choose better.


Love and blessings.
Julia xx




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